
I-n - Security

I woke up , woke up to hear the soft sound of the lIght drIzzle,, a lIttle downpour marked the begInIng of the raIny season. LIttle breeze made ways through the open wIndows ... wIth sound just lIke a pressure cooker before It whIstles.

Then realIzed that, I dId fInd solace on the bed after I was tIred on that saturaday nIght. agaIn my head rolled over the pIllow ,stIll a faInt murmur of the drums was comIng out of the Ipod earphones as my ears straIn to lIsten to It and started ponder over the dream I just felt.

It took me back In tIme. TIme where I just wanted to dream what I wanted. To the place where I had nIce begInIngs, to that space wIthIn me where I truly want to be.To the space that gIves me joy.

And to a place where Its just u and me and no one else. There Is sIlence yet an unsettIng noIse, all too calm yet too chaotIc, all too statIc yet somehow all In motIon. Yes, It Is just u and me.

I feel lIke I am walkIng wIth you holdIng hands on your favourIte street,brImmIng wIth tress, flutterIng leaf , darkness broken by golden glItterIng of street lIghts and cool breeze that whIspers softly but lucIdly tellIng me that I belong to you. And I smIle.

I smIle to the feelIng what I do feel for you, content wIth the fact that even you feel the same for me, so what If we wont get to talk, what If we wont express each other, what If we bow out to the cIrcumstances, as long as we never let our feelIngs to take a natural death.

Then my mInd saId that I woke up half dreamIng, half sensIng the realIty whIch really Isn't, and half wantIng to go back to sleep, but In entIrety wantIng to be wIth you always.....

And I float In the happIness, of what I become when I am wIth you.

A glass of water brought me back to the real world and then realIsed, how a dream can make you forget the InsecurIty, the need for reassurance, the fact that one day we would stop feelIng, the fact that you mIght not belong to me. An entIre exIstence In that one moment.

And I sank In the sadness, of what I become when I am not wIth you.

WIll I have the faIth to dream agaIn lIke thIs?

As unsure as the 'I' In 'ItalIcs.'