
Story of Uncertainty ! ! !

It was same time 4 years back,the whole college was buzzing about the first cycle of Campus Interview.Calculating GPA's,preparing resumes,tips of interview,becoming a puzzle in solving a puzzle,increasing inter-personal skills and anticipating for a offer letter with handsome salary. This was the first time the ghost of uncertainty engulfed me.Honestly I wasn't confident even i will get through with any interviews and even i too can have a hand some salary to spend upon.

Touch wood, later got an offer from one of the companay that visited our campus and i self-realized that i wasn't that bad.Later,it was little unknown to me that clouds of uncertainty will fall over me again and again.

Work in MNC,Five figure salary and the status made me a certain person that even i too can think of having a Girl friend,spend some nice moments with her,go on a movie in weekends and chill out ourselves in coffee shops and Ice cream parlors. But, This certainty is still a uncertainty. Now being an employee of so called IT sector eludes me even having of that because even my opposite sex are uncertain about the Software uncertainty. Thanks to global economy.

Then first step into professional life with uncertainties upon its shoulders.First thing was, will i be able to complete my stint as trainee. Then it was, will i be able to code,next is it possible for catching up with deadline,will i get a hike or appraisal and then will my manager be happy with performance. It takes uncertain number of pages to list.

So in the end.....

Still dark clouds of uncertainties hanging over to burst upon me I am signing off saying that those uncertainties gave some little opportunity to be a Human,be responsible and be kind to everyone.

Let's leave it for almighty,thinking there is something for me in near future.Certainly.