
Being in those 4 letters !!

“…And I hope you are the one I share my life with,
And I wish that you could be the one I die with
And I pray that you’re the one I build my home with…
I hope I love you all my life….”
--Daniel Bedingfield, If your not the one

Everyone accepts that being in Love is out of the world experience and cannot be compared with anything else in this universe. Hmmm (thinking), may be. I have searched for this feeling all through my life.I always ended up on one side. Put it in right words.. it never matured from Infactiuation.

But, I am not complaining. It is better than to be on One side rather than making it Two. A one side feeling is enough to Blush, enuf to think, enuf to get pampered...

But how long??????



Post is dedicated to all those who Wished,blessed and supported me during last 40 days are so.

Recession made me to pay a hefty price and costs me a job change. Now hoping to make the best i am marching to conquer all hurdles.
At very rare occasions i do get chances to "Thank" some one. But most of the times I wont. But this time i don't want to miss this rare opportunity.

Mom,Dad and Grandma. -- My Assets

Sharath,Vinay,Amit,Harsha,Sanjeev,Suman,Uday,Kishan,Satish, Mohan,Sarat,Divya and Priyanka. -- My Friends

Satish,Ramesh and Suresh -- My Cousins

Arundathi,Rekha and Heera -- My dearest bhabis

Vindhya and Vibha -- My younger sisters

Vinu -- My sweet Sister.

I have to admit, Whatever I am today is not because of my deeds. It is all my parents wishes,blessings and faith. And all those are "Invaluable"

Once Again "Thanks for all the support and Wishes"


Synonym to MUSIC.. MJ

"He Never Missed a Beat,But today (on 25th, June '09) beat missed him". This was the quote given by an American after the Great Michael Joseph Jackson passed away. How true? Yes it is and indeed.

I cannot remember when I first heard his name or who told me about Michael Jackson and what he does, because I was really young back then. It's like I already knew it. He was always there. People from every country in the world, knew Michael Jackson even if they didn't know who their president/prime minister was. Such was the popularity of Michael Jackson.

When i was a kid i used to hear his songs, trying to imitate his dance... though television, music gadgets were rare at that time, i could here his beats, his music and see his passion for the same. I didn know he was an American back then. All i remember was there is a person by name Michael Jackson who makes great music and performs to each beat of his tune. Though i never used to understand the lines in English, his music made me to keep my ears always open to listen and ponder over it. He is not just an American, he is the KING to the world of music and its lovers/fans.

People of all age/race were not just heard but rather influenced by him. Gone are the days where millions of people could find themselves unconscious at the glimpse of him.

It doesn't matter if you are Black or White, American or Asian , all that matters is What You Did after coming to this world? And MJ is remembered for his music, but nothing else in ages to come.

Every Song of his had a life of its own. Rest is silent now. MJ you are the greatest ever.

I surely miss your Beats...

RIP... MJ.


All Over Again !!!

After two months of no activity on my blog, I am back.. Down and Dusted!!! The hiatus on blogging tells me how was i pre-occupied with materialistic shadows. But in these eight weeks life threw me some lessons to learn.

Things can screw up your ass and you may hit rock bottom. No where your past achievements comes for the rescue. But,no substitute for hard work.

Believe in those who can support always.. I mean always under any circumstances.

Where ever you go and how well you behave, there will be few people who are jealous of your happiness. They don't matter at all.

Influence should not be over rated. Never get those words from people who thinks what is best for you. No one knows what is best than yourself. I mean it !!

There is no need to show or put up for what you don't like. Minimal interaction is good.

You cannot force anyone to love You !!! I wish i had known this earlier.

It is good We keep our mouth SHUT. It really helps.

Above all.. whatever happens it happens for good :)


Simple Truth

At 211 degrees, water is hot.
At 212 degrees, it boils.
And with boiling water comes steam.
And steam can power a locomotive.
The one extra degree makes all the difference.

So go and cast your vote. Even a single vote could make a huge difference.

Wake UP !!!!

Jago aur Jagao !


Story of Uncertainty ! ! !

It was same time 4 years back,the whole college was buzzing about the first cycle of Campus Interview.Calculating GPA's,preparing resumes,tips of interview,becoming a puzzle in solving a puzzle,increasing inter-personal skills and anticipating for a offer letter with handsome salary. This was the first time the ghost of uncertainty engulfed me.Honestly I wasn't confident even i will get through with any interviews and even i too can have a hand some salary to spend upon.

Touch wood, later got an offer from one of the companay that visited our campus and i self-realized that i wasn't that bad.Later,it was little unknown to me that clouds of uncertainty will fall over me again and again.

Work in MNC,Five figure salary and the status made me a certain person that even i too can think of having a Girl friend,spend some nice moments with her,go on a movie in weekends and chill out ourselves in coffee shops and Ice cream parlors. But, This certainty is still a uncertainty. Now being an employee of so called IT sector eludes me even having of that because even my opposite sex are uncertain about the Software uncertainty. Thanks to global economy.

Then first step into professional life with uncertainties upon its shoulders.First thing was, will i be able to complete my stint as trainee. Then it was, will i be able to code,next is it possible for catching up with deadline,will i get a hike or appraisal and then will my manager be happy with performance. It takes uncertain number of pages to list.

So in the end.....

Still dark clouds of uncertainties hanging over to burst upon me I am signing off saying that those uncertainties gave some little opportunity to be a Human,be responsible and be kind to everyone.

Let's leave it for almighty,thinking there is something for me in near future.Certainly.


I don knw Y???

Was working in the office today.... Work was hectic from last week and pressure to perform was high. Suddenly my phone rang.. I said Hello... in a very low voice not knowing who is there at the other end.

A voice said hello... Then i realized it is indeed my Mom... Then she said come home early and do not eat anything outside i have made Your favorite dish. I said okie will come and hanged up.

After few seconds i realized that there were tears in my eyes. Is it because of work,boredom,tired i don know.

I don know is mother love behind it. Or even i don know i was hungry.

All i know is Watever i may be to the world.. But for my mom i m still her little who likes her a lot. Is it?? Or more than this.. Really Don know...

Thanks Maaa.....


HiBerNaTe !!!

SLEEP... has become a distant cousin to me. I am in no mood to explain .. the reasons for it !!!

So it is me @hibernation at its best :(


being myself !!

I have been wanting to write for so long, I know this is my often repeated phrase in almost every post, but this time it's not because of a lack of ideas for a great lead, but because i was obsessed to write something.

What provoked me to write was not the usual bad mood or the unusual happiness. It was something I thought I had lost touch with.
Now that I am hoping you want to know what it is that I am yapping about, I somehow seem to have lost track of what I actually wanted to begin with. I digress..

After writing the above lines, still i don't know what should i do to transform the blinking cursor into words.


This is Wat i am.. i.e being myself.

Off late, got few comments about my words in the posts on my blog. But those words are just being me or myself. May be there is a lot or everything about me in the blog that a person should be aware or shouldn't be.

As far as i know it doesn't matter. The words in my posts are the reflections of my feelings which i cannot share with any of my close buddies.May be i would be criticized of not having good buddies to share those or I am not eligible to be sharing anything about me with anyone.

To some extent it would be correct... But this is how i am...
I write here for myself and to get back to those old memories. It is weird na?

But being in..

a life that leaves
a sign of pain
a life that brews
a sign of remain

a love for one
a life is heaven
a love undone is
a life of hoven