5 daYs to gO...
Play with words as to make of your own,using those words wisely would not mean that throwing your world to reader but to pull them from their world to yours. The world taught us how to dream but this time it was quite sometime since He had written about anythin,no not written but experienced.
He would have loved to write like that.
He heard X'mass songs everywhere.. silver bells and golden stars signified him the dawn of new year,and He realized how fast a year runs through once life .With a sweet and silent music playing in his iPod , He went back 360 days behind to recollect each moment. He forgiven himself for the mistakes He had done, felt bad for those who got hurt by him, felt happy for those new people whom He met. He wiped his eyes for his heart-breaks, He asked himself what went wrong with old friends who didn't even turn up nowadays, remembered those who were/are with him always. A year went by in a short time, He decided forget the past keeping the memorable moments for the year to come. He reaped new hopes for new year, and started dreaming about his hopes for another set of 365 days. Hmmm not dreaming experiencing the life that is yet to come.
The daemon struck in the meantime, His phone started vibrating and then, He realised that, it was a just a dream, wiped his iPod as his tears splashed on it... So He forgot that evening, Cold clamped him to stick to his warm chair. and He finished writing this post, and it would feel pretentious for someone. But no one can understand the beauty of dreams to nothing but it is like reaching to the stars up there.
He logged off , only after realizing that his poor cell phone is still making noise. He smiled , picked it and said ... "HULLO!!!!!!!"
Inspired By: Happy New Year Wishes for the year 2008.
Bangalore looked as beautiful as it could and i never experienced the chilly cold like yesterday. I was zooming on one of the longest flyover in B'lore at 50 KMPH on my bike with the breeze cooled by the winter as i could feel the air around my neck. My hands got freeze with no intentions of movement. There was a liitle dew falling all over to give me the company and then i reduced my speed to 20, just to enjoy the winter. Bike skid for 5 times before i reached home. May be it was showing its anger towards me for getting it out on a very cold day.
Again i smiled.. atleast here i have the company and u need not pay for it too. It is a great thing to sip a coffee on a chilly cold day with your fingers locked around that steel cup, to feel the heat and making sound while sipping. has any1 tried it?? then i would suggest try once..!!
For every start there is an end, and yesterday also same thing for me. I ended my day with a different kind of experience for a change. By the way Change is always constant in liFe!!!!, and it had a happy ending. But still...
....Fine Tuning ....

There are some things in this world that you connect with, instantly. Be it a song, film, book,or a person.Just consider a song which touches the bottom of your heart.From the first note you are kinda like hooked. You repeat the same song in the playlist.Three times later, you are busy looking for lyrics (may be 'googling' for it). You find them and play the song again. This time the words are in front of you. You read and understand them. May be pausing the music player here and there just to understand the lines clearly.Next time you start reading those lines and u start surrendering to a warm feeling just inside your heart .You give in and feel,how every word makes so much sense and how each line is so true. Almost you feel like the song is made for you and you start relating those characters to yourself and others who are very close to you. Then you realize that things you wished didn't happen and there is no meaning in relating to the song. You stop the music,close the player also.. but it is too late. The words are embedded in your mind. You wake up next morning humming the tune , smile and move on.
Few years later some where in the countryside you hear the same song. You fail to recognize it at its first note. The mind has found newer tunes, etched newer connections. But heart remembers. You smile and move on…humming the tune unconsciously but this time without lyrics.
In life you meet so many people and few of them leaves a mark in the heart. Few years later you meet that person or hear their voice or you just hear their name, heart clamors for them and starts recalling everything associated with that person. Then , you smile , move on and Life goes on. Memories etched in the heart is for lifetime Isn't it? Never forgets the tune of the song but only the lyrics. I relate to everyone by heart.. thats wat makes me what i am.. cos i don want to hum the song without lines. Those who etched thier mark in heart will become lyrics of life and you just need to find the fine tunes to compose the song of your life.
Guest Blogging....A Cry For Help.....
Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, and all of the others, including Love.
One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink, so all repaired their boats and left. Love was the only one who stayed. Love wanted to persevere until the last possible moment. When the island was almost sinking, Love decided to ask for help.
Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat. Love said, “Richness, can u take me with you?” Richness answered, “No I can’t. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place for you here.”
Love decided to ask Vanity, who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel. “Vanity, please help me!” “I can help you, Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat,” Vanity answered.
Sadness was close by, so Love asked for help. “Sadness let me go with you.” “Oh…Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!”
Happiness passed by Love too, but she was so happy that she did not even hear when Love called her!
Suddenly, there was a voice, “Come Love, I will take you.” It was an elder. Love felt so blessed and overjoyed that he even forgot to ask the elder her name.
When they arrived on dry land, the elder went her own way. Love, realizing how much he owed the elder, asked Knowledge, another elder, “Who helped me?”
“It was Time,” Knowledge answered.
“Time?” asked Love. “But why did Time help me?”
Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered. “Because only Time is capable of understanding how great Love is.”
This story is shared by one of my best friend. She is exactly as cute as this one :)
Down The Memory Lane!!!!!
I was surprised to see the wall in the ground which is incidentally served as stumps for our cricket games still standing high(yes, half the part is broken.. but i cant accept that because the amount of hits it sustained..) and the best part was a old woman recongnised me .. she is the one who gave me a second life(will share this story in later posts). I could not have asked for more.
A intution of independent in my mind made me to feel like walking in the streets keeping head high on my shoulders. May be i myself wanted to see the path which i crossed before.
This is the place where "Thoughts became Wishes","Wishes became Dreams" and asked me to turn these " Dreams into Goals".
Moreover the trip brought back my old memories.A famous kannada song is based on this.. Here it goes..
"ಸವಿ ಸವಿ ನೆನಪು ಸಾವಿರ ನೆನಪು..."
A Letter for Someone Special :)
Only for you my heart cries
The growing gnawing pain within myself
That tears every senses of my life
I still have the memories when we first meet
Memories that I thought would just be the beginning
And would never end
But suddenly it was gone with the wind
Each breath i take which describes my life
Is all because of you
Deep inside my heart I do
Thinking that you feel the same way too
My heart broke like a glass when you said i am just a backup
I have been waiting for a chance
Hoping that one day you would realize and understand
You have closed your door to me indeed
Perhaps I was obsessed and was pushing myself to you…
And now, I need to say goodbye and Let go.
Happy days!!!!!
Those were the days where we managed to spend a whole month with just 500 Rs in the pocket. There was no difference between weekdays and weekends. Silly reasons for comin late, getting thrown out of the class for numerous times, late nite outs during exams, unexpected exam papers and results. Each day is full of enjoyment.. .. Those one side love and first cRush , the day when i closed my eyes after a seeing a girl who played music all over my heart and soul.. i miss all of them..
Sending those SMSes and waking till 12 to wish Happy Birthday to someone who is very special...and blushin at myself wen my mobile used to beep for the msg sent by a spl person. Those days wont come back..
The feeling of becomin seniors and ragging juniors.. or the excitement to see a new girl aRound... Organizing college fest... and all the excitement , tensions during campus interviews... still those memories are as fresh as morning dew.. :)
College life is the most Happy days in life :)
isn't it???????
I wish god would grant me to go back 4 years and have those happiness again ...
hmmmmm this too much i am expecting.... :(
Chef dREam..!!
Well.. in short i love cooking...
a newly found passion in me .. just wanted to share across :)
May be after retirement i can think of becoming a 5 star chef... that is so materialistic... isn't it???
For her sake... :)
Well... during my high school days i had only one goal .. a goal which i can achieve so that i can reach a position where i can afford to give my mother all the medications to cope with her pains.
Yes... she is a arthritis patient and it is been 24 years since she is suffering.
Uncountable days she cried , numerous times my eyes poured not able to see her pain and i wanted do something for her pains..
I did well in my studies, secured a merit engg seat in blore and by god grace got selected to a software company through campus. And finally i reached my goal and earned a position so that i can look after my mother.
It has been a great journey till now.. studying in a govt school to working in a MNC.. all for the sake of my Amma.....
And if anyone thinks i am a good person.. then all credits goes to that lady called "Mother".
She is like a angel to me....
A wandering soul amidst confused world !!!
Hmmm yes it is short sight .... I never regretted about my eye sight but still regrets not being able to serve for the country.....
All dreams will not come true.... i wanted to become a pilot , a doctor in remote village.. but nevertheless i am a so called software engineer
Thats y i felt i am a wandering soul in the confused world......!!!!!!